St. Ritoni travel
Saint Ritoni belongs to which country? It belongs to the Greeks.
Saint Ritoni is also translated as santorini. Santorini (Greek: σ α ντ ο ννο) is an island ring composed of a group of volcanoes in the Aegean Sea, 200 kilometers southeast of the Greek mainland, located at 36.40 north latitude-25.40 east longitude. The largest island in santorini Island Ring is also called santorini Island, alias Scylla Island (θ ρ α). Santorini Island is located at the southernmost tip of the Cyclades Islands, with an area of about 73 square kilometers and a population of about 14,000 people, mostly Greeks. "santorini" was named by Venetians in the 13th century and originated from Santa Irene (Italian). Previously, this island was called Scylla, Kalisti (κ α λ λ σ τ η, which means "the most beautiful" in ancient Greek) or Stronkili (σ τ ο ο γ γ λ η). The buildings on the island are blue and white, lined with blue sea, which is beautiful and is a famous tourist attraction.